
A Board of Governors (BOG) chosen from the Society’s membership presides over the activities of the Society, subject to the limitations of the Constitution and By-Laws and Society Policies. A Nominating Committee selects a slate of qualified nominees annually for election to serve as members of the Board of Governors.


Tom Kurfess, ASME President

Tom Kurfess

“In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” — Eric Hoffer


Thomas Costabile Thomas Costabile
Executive Director/CEO
Andrew Bicos Andrew Bicos
Term 2023–2024
Tommy Gardner Tommy Gardner
Term 2021–2024
Susan Ipri Brown Susan Ipri-Brown
Term 2022–2025
Kathryn Jablokow Kathryn Jablokow
Term: 2023–2026
Sam Korellis Sam Korellis
Term: 2021–2024
Alma Martinez Fallon Alma Fallon
Term: 2023–2026
Monica Moman-Saunders Monica Moman-Saunders
Term 2023–2026
Jared Oehring Jared Oehring
Term 2022–2025
Dave Schlesinger Dave Schlesinger
Term 2023–2026
Patrick Vieth Patrick Vieth
Term 2022–2025
Wolf Yeigh Wolf Yeigh
Term 2021–2024

Society Officers

Tara McMahan
John Delli Venneri John Delli Venneri
Assistant Secretary/General Counsel
William Garofalo William Garofalo
Chief Financial Officer

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